Thursday, August 19, 2010


It wraps you up in soft foliage,
All of your conscious sub-conscious plunge themselves into a deep pond.
Where, even when you throw a stone,
It fails to create even a slightest ripple.
As you succumb into its unfathomable depth ,
An intoxicating smell of early dawn takes you back into a distant past;
Which even you can not remember,
But, which like a half-lingering song, keeps leaving its footsteps on your mind.

You can only think of one little girl,
Who, one evening, was pressing her tearful face
On the cold window glass.
As her kite was fading into a bluish, green field.
The cold surface of the glass, calms her warm face,
Its smooth surface soothes her disjointed mind;
And once again, parted it into two parts.
One, that will always glide by with the kite;
One, is conscious of the cold, placid glass.