Friday, November 27, 2009

A Mid Autumn Night's Dream

The fog is becoming deeper, darker;as if it has a tangible existence of its own.the lights of street lamps are blurred with the greyish yellow mist. If you try, you can hear the lingering footsteps of a nightguard; you can also see him, fading slowly,slowly and slowly on the long, straight road, which goes under the trees, beside the sleeping houses. A white owl is sitting on the branch of eucalyptus tree. If you look at the blades of grass, softly glistening with the dew drops, you'll feel that everything is waiting for something to come , something to happen. It is that particular moment, when everything in the atmosphere becomes silent, our untangible senses starts to grow strong. It's like being in a dream, with full sensory consciousness.


The night is dark, cold.
The dim lights of street lamps are struggling in the yellow mist,
Everybody knows
There's no security anywhere in this world:
Yet the puppies are in peace
Sleeping in their mother's firm lap, on the stre

Monday, November 16, 2009